Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Solidarity Rally in Israel 2012

This was a thrilling day. Hundrends (more like one thousand plus) gathered at the top of Ben Yehuda. There was a super charged excitement in the air to go along with the sand blowing in from the desert. We got to meet Billie Brim, one of our favorite prophecy teachers. Robbie grabbed Pastor Hagee's hand before the security could push him away. We met many other very nice people from Dallas. If it could have been advertised, many more would have participated, but it had to be kept low-key for safety purposes. It seemed to be well received by the response of the onlookers. This rally had many more attendees than "Christ at the Checkpoint." The atmosphere was totally different. This was full of joy, unity, and the presence of the Lord. It was an honor to stand with those who stand with Israel!!
Pastor Hagee at the rally
Robbie and Tommie at the rally.
Robbie, Linda, and Maggie

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