Saturday, April 7, 2012

Partial Hardening (A visit to Nimrod's Castle)

Nimrod's Castle from a distance. 
Can one be an effective witness to Jews? Many Christians involved in ministries in the land of Israel say it is easier to minister to Arabs. Statistics verify that there are more Christian Arabs than there are Messianic Jews. The Apostle Paul tells us why this is true today: "a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and thus all Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:25-26). Comparing Jews and Arabs would be an error. Arabs are Gentiles and should be coming to know Yeshua at a faster rate than the Jews. Arabs are deceived while Jews are blinded (or calloused) to the Gospel--blinded by God for a season. The good news to those who are called of the Lord to minister to the Jews is that they will come to know the Messiah--all Israel will be saved! That means that our devotion to and loving patients toward Isaac's seed will have great reward; maybe not today or tomorrow or next month, but God will removed the blinders in His time.

For now, the Jews are looking for their Messiah to bring peace in the promised land. Robbie's and my time in the land has let us know how little peace there is. Jews constantly fear rockets and threats. They have to be careful to stay in their Jewish neighborhood as the Arab neighbors are free to express hatred and violence. We have seen it: Arab's are safe in Jewish neighborhoods, but Jews ARE NOT safe in Arab neighborhoods.

 Jesus tells us to take the Gospel to the world so none will go into eternity without the blood of Jesus. For certain--God provided His son for all. So, as His people who are 'grafted in," we must not support anyone who insists that the "replacement" church, Arabs, or any other entity has rights to dispossess Jews from their God-given territory. Arabs would prosper, too, if they would recognize and agree with the authority of God's Word.

Front entrance
A recent visit to Nimrod's Castle (video at the bottom) reminded us of  how far back the hatred goes. An inscription dating 1275 by the Mameluke Sultan gives the intent of their presence in the Land of Israel at that time: "Killer of rebellious deviators, renewer of justice and the whole world." In other words, one had to convert to Islam or be killed. While the castle was amazing, it was a reminder of what true intolerance looks like. It was named Nimrod's Castle after the Bible character who was a hunter. Bible scholars note that Nimrod was a "hunter of men's souls." That same spirit still resides within Islam and those that embrace that religion. They will one day (maybe sooner than we think) turn on the Bride (Christ's true church) as bitterly as they have been against the Jews all these centuries.

Taken from the upper tower

Ruins...destroyed by an earthquake
Nimrod's castle crumbled as will Islam. The evil voice of Islam is strong and insights fear for masses in almost every nation. Jerusalem is the city of the Great King. God's Word is the foundation that will stand through all wars for The Lord is our warrior king. May we ALL bow down and worship at His footstool.

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